October 31 — November 11

1. Unknown Words

committed suicide


American writer and journalist Ernest Hemingway, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954, became famous for his stories and life of adventure.
He was born in the 19th century but rose to prominence in the 20th century.
In 1917, Hemingway went to war. He was fascinated by war and had wanted to become a soldier but couldn’t because of his poor eyesight, so he became an ambulance driver. Then he became a war correspondent. Many of his books were about war. Of course, the war left its mark on his life. He drank heavily and had several serious accidents. even in his difficult family situation. His father committed suicide. It all affected him. Perhaps that is why he killed himself in 1961 with a shotgun, just as his father had done before him.
I read “The Old Man and the Sea.” The characters are described so vividly that I imagined myself in the place of the old man. I felt his fatigue and was very worried. I really liked it.

3. Еxercises

Task 1 — Are the sentences true or false?
  1. False
  2. False
  3. True
  4. True
  5. True
  6. True

The Gadgets in Our Life

I can’t imagine my life without my phone! My lessons are on the phone. With the help of the phone, I can always check or find any information. This is relevant for me since I live in another country and do not know the language. I use a translator on my phone and a map to find any place I need. 30 years ago, people spent a lot of time doing this, and it was very difficult to live in another country. I can find a lot of information in a few seconds.I am always in touch with my friends in Yerevan. Thanks to video calls, it seems that we are close. At home, the phone is an assistant during the lessons. You don’t have to go to the library. I can find as much information as a person can remember. I can read and draw conclusions. I can watch any movie or listen to an audiobook.My parents also often use their gadgets. And yet we keep in touch. We tell each other how we spent the day. We share our difficulties and achievements. We watch TV together. Everyone has phones, including both my grandparents and my younger sister. She sometimes watches educational cartoons. Who among us uses gadgets more than others? Everyone in my family seems to do it. The youngest, of course, uses the phone the least. But she has everything ahead 😉!

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