October 3 — October 8

1. Ex. 3, p. 15 I think he's a happy man. Everyone chooses to be happy or not. There are people who are happy in the family, and those who are happy at work. Those who are happy at home often have jobs, and those who are happy at work often have families.Sidney Fisk is... Continue Reading →

September 26-30

In mid-October 2007, after the House Foreign Affairs Committee passed a resolution to label the 1915 killing of Armenians by Ottoman Turks as genocide, Pelosi pledged to bring the measure to a vote. The draft resolution prompted warnings from President Bush and fierce criticism from Turkey, with Turkey's Prime Minister saying that approval of the... Continue Reading →

September 19-23

achievements - ձեռքբերում; a thing done successfully, typically by effort, courage, or skill. the process or fact of achieving something. HERALDRY - a representation of a coat of arms with all the adjuncts to which a bearer of arms is entitled. surely - անշուշտ used to emphasize the speaker's firm belief that what they are... Continue Reading →

Welcome letter

Hello, Mrs. Silva. I’m Bagrat Khanbabyanand. We are already familiar since last year. We are still living in Tbilisi. And I still miss Yerevan. Tbilisi is a very interesting town. I like cycling in the park near my Home. This year I want to learn English seriously from scratch. I hope I succeed. I’m happy... Continue Reading →

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